Nutri Care

  • Our bodies naturally produce new collagen during collagen synthesis. With the help of enzymes, the existing protein is broken down into its individual components, the amino acids, and then reassembled. With increasing age, under the influence of hormones or through improper nutrition, collagen synthesis no longer functions optimally.
    The result: a weak connective tissue that leads to cellulite and wrinkles! Collamin Liquid provides the organism with everything it needs for efficient collagen synthesis! The highly effective nutritional supplement contains collagen hydrolyzate and vitamin B6 as well as hydrolyzed amino acids, which ensure firm skin and healthy bones.
  • Do you want to reduce your weight or are you preparing for a sporting competition, for example, a marathon?  When you have a physically demanding time ahead, a balanced blood sugar level is extremely important. Our Cr- Plus capsules provide your body with highly concentrated chromium, whose main task is to regulate the blood sugar level. Three Cr-Plus capsules a day are sufficient to ensure a balanced chromium level and to optimally support your body in extreme sports situations or on a diet.
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    Our bodies are working at full speed when we like to take a little break after a meal! Because the components of the food must be optimally broken down in the human organism. However, this is often not possible because the acid environment in the gastrointestinal tract is unfavourable.
    The result: proteins cannot be split up, and small fat pads accumulate. Our sparkling Ananans Frizzy Tabs contain bromelain, which is obtained from the Bromelia plant, which includes the pineapple. The proteolytic enzyme supports the breakdown of protein and is also active when the acid environment in the gastrointestinal tract is unfavourable for protein breakdown. This reduces the accumulation of superfluous food components as stressful ‚fat pads‘. High-quality L-carnitine also helps in the metabolism of fats.
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    Do you also like to enjoy a good cup of tea? Our Styler Tea not only tastes good but also convinces with its effective ingredients! Styler Tea consists of a balanced mixture of selected teas such as green tea, mate tea, lapacho and rooibos. Enjoyed regularly, it supports the body in cleaning the interstitial cells and the fat tissue.
    Especially when the tissue of the skin is over acidified, the skin slackens, or cellulite appears, Styler Tea can help to increase the pH value between the tissues and stimulate collagen synthesis. In addition, the individual components of the tea are known for their immune system stabilizing properties. Drink yourself healthy, beautiful, vital and awake!
