Anticellulite & Skin Firming Legs Treatment (60 min.) x10

Anticellulite & Skin Firming Legs Treatment (60 min.) x10

Original price was: £600.00.Current price is: £480.00.

Anti-cellulite, slimming, skin firming treatment.


Suction Pump massage (SPM) helps to treat cellulite both in small and large body areas.

Vacuum massage has a beneficial effect on lymph flow, releases the body of waste products and strengthens the connective tissues.

It is the target of the formation of lymphatic channels to remove waste products from the body so that new nutrients and oxygen reach the cells quickly.

Benefits of formation of lymphatic channels: releases tissues from contamination (necessary for cellulite treatment); removes fluid from tissues (such as facial and body swelling cases); treats tissues (accelerates tissue regenerating); relaxes and relieves tension (relaxes your back and neck muscles). Causes of the accumulation of fluid are a limited amount of movement, repetitive work, excessive workload, inflammation caused by irritation, mechanical obstruction (scars resulting from surgery and injuries), diseases. The vacuum massage procedure helps to soften any “new”, already shrivelled and stiffened scar tissues. Vacuum massage may be helpful in belly shaping and stretching of the inner surface of the thighs by stimulating the deepest layers of tissues, thereby activating the formation of elastin and collagen.

The vacuum massage with a low or high negative pressure provides such treatment processes:

lymphatic drainage – is used in cellulite treatment for excretion and removal of excess fluid;

relaxation – good relaxing for neck and shoulder musculature;

forming skin – stretch marks treatment, thighs and upper arms shaping, as well as the buttocks, abdomen, and breast shaping;

circulation/regeneration – elimination of fat deposits (increase in cell metabolism), cell activation, skin-strengthening, especially in the face and neck;

enhancement of phagocytosis – activation of phagocytes; these are the cells that destroy fat deposits, foreign bodies and unwanted tissues.
